Accelerate your advantage
The smoothest way to get a competitive degree online
100% online & self-paced
MA in Education
What is Woodmont College?
An independent accredited college with a full faculty — including an educational board, academic facilitators, and student advisors. We put thought, effort, and thousands of hours into up-leveling our curriculum to match the needs of the modern career force, creating highly sought-after graduates.
Never waste a minute on your way to a competitive degree
Fast-track your progress with a focus on max credit transfer
Never worry about failing your courses with our unique approach to student grades
Gain the skills most sought-after by employers with our Skill Advantage program
where our graduates go for their master's
Compete for a career with confidence
Get primed for success with skills most valued in the workplace
Proud to boast
graduates in prestigious workplaces across the nation
Unabashedly built on Jewish values
As prestigious colleges fall into cultural decay we stay true to the Jewish values held dear by our students and their families
Apply now
Start in as little as 10 days
An application is not a commitment
It’s just the first step in finding out how many credits you can transfer toward your degree