Bachelor of Science


Educators with a degree earn an average of 119% more than those without



100% self-paced


Shortest: 6 months

Average: 14 months


Starting: $12,600

Varies based on credits transferred

Scholarships available

Fast facts


Total credits required to earn your degree


Per credit


Max number of credits you can transfer

A love of teaching isn't enough

Being a "born teacher" isn't enough

To earn more than $50,000/year as an educator, you will likely need a bachelor’s degree at minimum. We’ll help you fast-track your progress toward your degree while focusing on the hands-on strategies that differentiate the most sought-after educators.

Compare your earning potential as an educator

Without a BS in Education

Teaching Assistant 

median annual salary*


Preschool Teacher

median annual salary*


Classroom Teacher

median annual salary*

$30,000 – $50,000

With a BS in Education

Preschool Teacher

median annual salary*


Classroom Teacher

median annual salary*


Early Intervention Teacher

median annual salary*


*Potential annual salary based on our research findings as of 2024. Annual salaries vary greatly based on role, responsibilities, and employee experience. Woodmont College does not, in any form, guarantee job or salary outcomes.

Government-funded programs pay teachers better

and require a bachelor's degree in Education at minimum

Jumpstart your kid-centered career

Begin with a BS in Education, then pursue a related master's degree

3 signs this program is for you

You're a people-person preparing for a career

You connect well with others and have a lot to give. You can envision a career in which you empower and inspire children — while taking home enough pay to actually support your own family. While you are primarily driven as a giver, you also want to make sure you have much bigger earning potential when you need it — as an educator, therapist, or any other caring career. A program that lets you earn a degree you can take in multiple directions is perfect for you.

You're an educator hitting a salary ceiling

You’re a classroom assistant, para, or substitute teacher, but you know you’re ready to move up into classroom leadership. The only thing holding you back is the lack of letters after your name. You want a fast, flexible way to earn your degree while you work. You also want to learn relevant skills that will propel you into a new role with confidence. A program that focuses on real-life teaching strategies with flexible timing and a straightforward trajectory is perfect for you. 

You're a job-seeker hitting a brick wall

You’re a talented teacher with a load of passion and skill. But you’re hitting a brick wall when it comes to finding your dream job. All the jobs starting at $70k+/year or $80+/hour seem to be reserved for credentialed teachers — and you want access to those opportunities. You don’t have the time or headspace to sit in a classroom. You want to earn a degree in a way that works for your already-full lifestyle. A program that gives you all the tools you need to succeed, with lots of support and flexibility is perfect. 

Want a seamless leap from BS degree to MA degree?

Begin with a BS in Education, then pursue your MA in Education, STEM concentration right here.


An easier way to earn your degree

Traditional approach

Courses last 8-15 weeks, with progress based on a preset timeline. There’s no such thing as taking breaks without failing the course. 

Direct Advantage™️

You can start whenever you are ready and complete courses at your own pace. Set and meet your own timeline goals. Take breaks when life calls for it.

Traditional approach

Immutable grades are assigned based on student performance. Only a select few achieve top final scores. 

Direct Advantage™️

Students are coached until they reach mastery. Every student can achieve a top final score at their own pace.

Traditional approach

Professors answer questions, conduct tests and assessments, and deliver final course grades.

Direct Advantage™️

Professors coach students and propel student progress from “development” to “mastery” — with a 48-hour grading turnaround, the fastest in the country.

Traditional approach

Students receive a college degree once they pass all required coursework. 

Direct Advantage™️

Students receive a college degree at their own pace. In some courses, they can earn digital badges for transferable skills like Problem Solving, Critical Thinking, and Leadership.

Traditional approach

Text-based and rote. Students are asked to memorize and demonstrate mastery of content or information.

Direct Advantage™️

Skills-based and inspiring active engagement. Students are asked to demonstrate mastery of skills through open-ended assignments.

What you'll learn

Foundations of Education

Child development, educational theory, and educational psychology

Early Childhood Education

Literacy, curriculum development, and early intervention methods

Assessment & Evaluation

Principles and processes to evaluate learning for students with and without disabilities


Get a Skill Advantage you'll take with you everywhere

Learn from the best

Unlike traditional college professors, our courses are led by academic facilitators who are here to help you succeed.

Dr. Michael Hamlin


Rabbi Dr. Avichai Pepper


Professor Jodi Brenner


Dr. Stephanie Glick


Professor Amy Nelson


Professor Shari Seidman-Klein

How does online college work? WATCH VIDEO

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    Start in as little as 10 days

    An application is not a commitment

    It’s just the first step in finding out how many credits you can transfer toward your degree